In A Battle For Web Traffic, Bad Bots Are Going After Grandma : All Tech Considered : NPR
If bad bots were left to their own devices, bad taste would dominate the Web. But, even worse, Kaminsky worries that this kind of advertising fraud is undermining the economics of the Web. Though people “tend not to like advertisers, advertisers have paid for a network that allows greater interpersonal communication than any other time in history. Who paid for all this free service? They did,” he says. Kaminsky’s firm works with advertises to fight this problem. He worries that advertisers will go back to the TV or other outlets, which are better protected against fraud.
I honestly wish they would. Such a move would radically change the current state of affairs online for the better. Profit seeking is not a solid modus operandi for building a communication / educational network that can truly benefit people.