Quagga on RHEL and CentOS

Ivan Pepelnjak of IOS Hints posted an excellent article on installing and running Quagga on Fedora Core over at CT3 wiki. Installing and maintaining Quagga on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS is even easier since the package manager automatically generates users, init scripts, and provides an easy upgrade path for the future.

To install Quagga simply run

\[root@localhost ~\]# yum install quagga

You do not have to create any additional users or set permissions, the package manager takes care of all of that automatically.

\[root@localhost ~\]# cat /etc/group | grep quagga

All the configuration files are stored under /etc in /etc/quagga. To test the software simply copy the sample configuration file and start the daemon.

\[root@localhost ~\]# cp /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf
\[root@localhost ~\]# service bgpd start
Starting bgpd:                                             \[  OK  \]

Done! Try it out.

\[root@localhost quagga\]# telnet localhost bgpd
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^\]'.

Hello, this is Quagga (version 0.98.6).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.

User Access Verification


Check out Ivan’s article Use Quagga to generate BGP routes to play around further.