Supreme International Crime
For those keeping up with the news, December 30, 2006 should be a day that lives in infamy. On this day a chain of events was completed which seals the United States, the largest and most powerful nation in the world today as an International outlaw state.
Let’s review.
In 2003 this outlaw state invaded Iraq under the pretext of exigent circumstances - that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and the means to create them.
It was accepted as a lie by the International community, and it was admitted to by the United States intelligence services and members of the White House cabinet itself. It is now understood by politicians and political analysts around the world that the real purpose of this invasion was to secure economic and military advantages in the middle east region, and to maintain the United States’ position as the dominant economic power.
This is also in line with the statement of principles for PNAC (The Project for a New American Century), a sinister right-wing group which has installed its highest-ranking members into the White House cabinet. These principles are, as derived from the organization’s website (emphasis mine):
• we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future; • we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values; • we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad; • we need to accept responsibility for America’s unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.
Upon the successful completion of this invasion a regime was installed which has professed an open desire to work closely with the United States and protect/promote its interests.
This regime instituted a tribunal for the purpose of prosecuting the deposed Saddam Hussein, former sovereign ruler of this country. The charges brought against Hussein were crimes against humanity, in reference to a genocide operation in the 1980’s which saw no objection or intervention from the United States or the rest of the International community at the time. Logic dictates therefore that the neither United States nor its pro-western regime now ruling Iraq are truly interested in carrying out justice. This is a pretext.
Considerable controversy has surrounded this tribunal since its inception, as its members have been replaced for unverifiable reasons or murdered by unknown assassins, and at least one of its judges was replaced for making a comment interpreted by the new Iraqi regime as ’too tolerant’ of Hussein.
The sentence of death against Saddam Hussein was inevitable, the trial a machine unwinding to its inexorable conclusion. There was no other possible outcome.
In summary, the United States brazenly defied International Law by initiating an unprovoked attack on an independent, sovereign nation.
As of today, December 30, 2006, it has now been the primary participant in the murder of its legal ruler by mock trial.
Where were the American people during these events? As the masters of their country’s destiny, were they given all the facts by the White House or the Mass Media?
Initial public support for the war in Iraq was high, indicating clearly that they were not told the truth about the intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction or Iraq’s role in the terrorist acts that enabled PNAC to achieve its goals in the middle east. This is underscored by the current level of support for the Iraq war, which is at its lowest levels ever. The difference? The American public is now aware of the pretext and the futility of the exercise.
Most importantly, what did the American do to intervene on their country’s behalf before it committed an International crime? What is it now doing to influence its democratically elected rulers to put a stop to this? If the answer is “largely nothing” are they not, each and every one of them, personally responsible?